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Brand portal

A brand's content is reflected in corporate design. Success in corporate design is based on continuity. Here you will receive important information for designing graphics that communicate effectively.

Our colors

The corporate colors have a high signal effect - and thus also great recognition potential. They make a strong contribution to the uniformity of the overall design.

Our company colors situate RUAG in Switzerland and in the technology sector.

They convey our origin and competence, and in this way reflect our company's orientation.
The correct use of our colors is of great importance for our company brand's recognition value.

Primary colors

Those colors which fundamentally define our visual identity, are referred to as primary colors. The following primary colors have been defined: light grey, dark grey and dark red.
All primary colors appear in the RUAG logo. The RUAG red corresponds to the red of the Swiss cross.
Furthermore, the RUAG element and font elements are set in the primary colors.

All primary colors are defined with fixed values for print and digital production in specific color spaces and cannot be modified.

Unternehmensfarben 1

RUAG grey

CMYK 20 0 0 40
Pantone 7543
RGB 150 165 175
RAL 7001
Messe 2

RUAG dark grey

CMYK 20 0 0 70
Pantone 431
RGB 80 85 90
HEX #50555A
RAL 7012
Messe 3

RUAG red

CMYK 0 100 100 0
Pantone 485
RGB 255 0 0
HEX #FF0000
RAL 3020
Unternehmensfarben 4

RUAG dark red

CMYK 0 100 80 65
Pantone 188
RGB 89 0 18
HEX #590012
RAL 3003

Secondary colors

Secondary colors, in contrast to the primary colors, are not fundamental. They are only used in a supporting capacity. They are primarily used in digital communications and when designing graphics. Here they make a more differentiated color scheme possible and allow for better discernibility among interactive applications and tabular values.

All secondary colors are defined with fixed values for print and digital production in specific color spaces and cannot be modified.

Unternehmensfarben 5
CMYK 10 5 6 0
RGB 234 237 239
Unternehmensfarben 6
CMYK 29 16 16 1
RGB 192 201 207
Unternehmensfarben 1
CMYK 50 32 30 10
RGB 136 149 158
HEX #88959E
Unternehmensfarben 4
CMYK 8 42 38 22
RGB 108 117 124
HEX #6C757C
Unternehmensfarben 9
CMYK 0 28 14 0
RGB 255 204 204
Unternehmensfarben 10
CMYK 0 72 49 0
RGB 255 102 102
HEX #FF6666
Unternehmensfarben 11
CMYK 3 100 100 1
RGB 222 0 4
HEX #DE0004
Unternehmensfarben 12
CMYK 30 100 93 43
RGB 122 0 14
HEX #7A000E
Unternehmensfarben 13
CMYK 19 0 7 0
RGB 214 244 245
Unternehmensfarbe 14
CMYK 48 0 18 0
RGB 133 221 224
Unternehmensfarbe 15
CMYK 70 0 31 0
RGB 49 183 188
Unternehmensfarben 16
CMYK 79 25 42 8
RGB 37 138 142
HEX #258A8E
Unternehmensfarben 17
CMYK 84 37 50 30
RGB 26 99 101
HEX #1A6365

Color weights

Color weighting has an impact on the brand's appearance. The RUAG color climate is proportionally determined by white and the RUAG primary colors.

The most important element for shaping the style is the RUAG element. It sets color accents that, used with a white background or an image motif, constitute the typical brand look. The secondary colors, in contrast, are only used in various accents, and for this reason have no significance for the color climate.

The RUAG color climate consists of white and primary colors.

Unternehmensfarben 18

Download Colors

Here you will find more in-depth information.

RUAG Styleguide Farben (German only) pdf (402.0 KB)