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We give you first-rate support and accompany you in what really fascinates you. You will have the opportunity to make your mark while simultaneously deepening your knowledge. Together, we serve the social remit of making a significant contribution to the security of Switzerland.

Together with you, we are committed to the security of our country. In the spirit of a learning community, we develop together with you – in the long term too. To achieve this, we equip you with what you need in terms of content and organization. Whether you are doing an internship or writing your thesis, with us you are only a step away from experts who will be happy to help and mentor you. Your personal supervision and support are a key element of our cooperation. We encourage you to contribute your talents actively and promote your individual interests.

Key points for your career entry



We value you as an integral part of our team. We encourage your strengths and support you in the areas where you have potential for development.


We look forward to combining your fresh impulses with our expertise. By sharing our skills and ideas, we can break new ground together.


Not only will you get to work in a unique environment, but you will also get to work with a wide variety of colleagues in fascinating professions. If you can’t imagine starting your career in the usual way, then RUAG is the right place for you.


What makes RUAG different from other great employers in Switzerland?

As a technology partner to the Swiss Armed Forces, we offer a unique security-related environment. Our fascinating portfolio and the combination of long-standing expertise and ambitious goals offer plenty of scope for innovative ideas, courageous decisions and consistently reliable performance. We have a very diverse workforce, which allows us to combine a wide range of skills and together provide the best service to our customers.

What kind of working conditions can I expect at RUAG?

You can get a first impression of our working conditions here. Because your well-being is our focus, our working conditions aim to keep you happy and healthy in the long term. The associated measures are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are up to date and effective and are adjusted if necessary.

Will I receive a 13th month’s salary as an intern or trainee?

Yes, that is the case at RUAG. We treat all employees equally, regardless of their function. Because fairness is not just an empty phrase for us. The Fair-ON-Pay Advanced certificate also emphasises our long-term commitment to equal pay.

What language skills are needed at RUAG?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it depends on the area of work and the location. While engineers at the Emmen and Zurich sites understand English well, good German skills are required in the Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul division in Thun. However, it can be said that the majority of employees communicate in German. The language skills required are usually specified in the individual job advertisements. If this is not the case for a vacancy you are interested in, please contact the HR manager listed. In general, we are happy if you are proficient in a Swiss national language (approx. B2 level) in addition to English.

Do I have to be a Swiss citizen to work for RUAG?

For certain positions with high security requirements, yes. In most cases, Swiss citizenship is not required. Therefore, you are welcome to apply if you are not a Swiss citizen, but would like to live and/or work in Switzerland or already do so.

I have a degree in a specific field. In which areas and roles can I work at RUAG?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it depends on many personal characteristics. The most important thing is to know where your strengths lie and what you enjoy doing. Are there areas that would fit your academic background but that you have ruled out for yourself? Based on this self-reflection, we recommend that you take a look at our job portal and get an overview of the opportunities currently open to you at RUAG. A university internship is often helpful to find out in a relatively short period of time whether or not you feel comfortable in a certain field of work in the long term.

I can’t work 100 percent (= five days) due to my studies and/or private/family obligations. Does RUAG offer part-time positions?

Most vacancies can be filled on a part-time basis. Most positions are therefore advertised at 80 to 100 percent, but some positions are also available starting at 60 percent. Please check our website for information on the workload during university internships and trainee programs.

I would like to do a short internship at RUAG during the semester break. Is this possible?

The minimum duration of our university internships is six months. Therefore, an internship exclusively during the semester break is not possible.

What is the difference between RUAG’s university internship and the trainee programs?

The university internship is primarily aimed at young people who are currently studying or have recently completed their studies and have little or no work experience. It usually lasts between six and twelve months, and does not necessarily have the goal of further employment on a permanent basis. The training program, on the other hand, is currently intended for people who have already successfully completed their master’s degree. It typically lasts between twelve and 24 months, and is geared toward continued employment on a permanent basis. The requirements for the training program are also higher than for the university internship.

What is the application process at RUAG?

Our application process is described here. All university internships and trainee programs are advertised in the job portal. The application process for these two career opportunities may differ. For example, for the trainee programs, there is an all-day assessment day at one of our main sites where the candidates complete various tasks (logic, networked thinking, presentation techniques, time management, etc.).

Where can I send my unsolicited application?

We do not accept unsolicited applications. All vacancies, university internships and trainee programs are posted in our job portal. If none of our jobs currently appeals to you, we recommend that you set up an alert (on the left side of the job portal).

I’m not sure whether RUAG is the right employer for me and would like to have a no-obligation, personal meeting with someone from the company. Is this possible?

We participate in several career events at various Swiss universities in the spring and fall (see overview below). Feel free to visit us there and get to know us personally.

Our partnerships with universities

Our partnerships with universities give us the opportunity to engage in dialogue with students and graduates like you. Communication on both sides is very important to us: we not only want to provide information about our working environment and our activities, but also work with you to see whether there are currently or perhaps in the future great opportunities for collaboration based on your interests, skills and values.

Career events

There are many opportunities for us to get to know each other!

Would you like to meet with us in person and find out more about our company? There are a lot of networking opportunities – We look forward to them.

Filter events


Type of event

Impressions from past events

Notte Bianca delle Carriere SUPSI 2024_bearbeitet.jpg
Notte bianca delle carriere at SUPSI in Mendrisio, 7 November 2024
 Name Bild AMIV Kontakt 2024_bearbeitet.jpg
AMIV Kontakt at ETH in Zurich, 8 October 2024
Forum Emploi HE-Arc Ingénierie 2024
Forum Emploi at Haute École Arc-Ingénierie in Neuchâtel, 19 June 2024
Career Day BFH 2024_bearbeitet.jpg
Career Day at BFH in Biel, 14 May 2024
Polymesse ETH 2024
Polymesse at ETH in Zurich, 10 April 2024
AbsolvierendenMesse Bern 2024
Absolvierenden-Messe Bern in Bern, 20 March 2024
VIS Kontaktparty 2024
VIS Kontaktparty at ETH in Zurich, 16 March 2024
ZHAW Conecto 2024
Conecto ZHAW in Winterthur, 7 March 2024
HSLU Kontaktgespräch 2024
Kontaktgespräch at HSLU in Rotkreuz, 6 March 2024
SUPSI CareerNight
Notte bianca delle carriere an der SUPSI in Mendrisio, 23. November 2023
Campus Interview der ETH
Campus Interview by ETH juniors in Opfikon (ZH), 3 November 2023
Absolvierenden-Messe Schweiz in Zurich-Oerlikon, 2 November 2023
IT-Day in Zurich, 12 October 2023
AMIV Kontakt at ETH in Zurich, 10 October 2023
IEEE Western European Students and Young Professionals congress in Lausanne, 16 September 2023
Forum Emploi 2023
Forum Emploi at Haute École Arc-Ingénierie in Neuchâtel, 21 June 2023
Career Day BFH
Career Day at BFH in Biel, 9 May 2023
Polymesse ETH
Polymesse at ETH in Zurich, 26 April 2023
USI Lugano
Notte bianca delle carriere at USI in Lugano, 20 April 2023
Career Event UNILU
Career Event at UNILU in Lucerne, 20 April 2023
Lunch Talk
Lunch Talk at FHNW in Olten, 5 April 2023
Kontaktgespräch at HSLU in Rotkreuz, 22 March 2023
Job Hub UZH
JobHub at UZH in Zurich, 15 March 2023
Kontaktparty ETH
VIS Kontaktparty at ETH in Zurich, 11 March 2023
Forum HES-SO in Lausanne, 1 March 2023
Campus Interview, Zürich-Glattbrugg
Campus Interview by ETH juniors in Opfikon (ZH), 4 November 2022
Absolvierenden-Messe Schweiz, Zürich-Oerlikon
Absolvierenden-Messe Schweiz in Zurich-Oerlikon, 3 November 2022
Forum EPFL in Lausanne, 7 October 2022
Forum Emploi EB
Forum Emploi at Haute École Arc-Ingénierie in Neuchâtel, 22 June 2022


Engineering Students

Universum: Most Attractive Employer

Emblem_CHPS (Universum)

Universum: Most Attractive Employer

If you have questions or uncertainties regarding starting possibilities, please contact Debora.

Debora Saracino


Debora Saracino

Employer Branding Specialist

+41 58 489 22 36

Stauffacherstrasse 65
3000 Bern