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Putting employees first as an attractive employer

The company values "swiss", "transparent", "resilient", "agile" and "ambitious" describe RUAG's identity. The employees are committed to embodying and developing these values together at all hierarchical levels.

Overview of employees

The number of employees increased to 2,826 (excluding apprentices, 2,671 in full time equivalents / FTE) in comparison to the previous year. Full-time positions have increased by around 180. In the employee satisfaction survey, very high scores were achieved. Particular mention should be made of
the fairness of managers and general satisfaction with the work situation.

RUAG was able to reduce net fluctuation in 2023 from 9.8% in the previous year to 8.3%. This is a positive trend, but the fluctuation still requires a high level of attention. On average, employees stay with RUAG for ten years, which helps to ensure that the company retains valuable knowledge and experience.

Various measures have been introduced to further improve employer attractiveness and employee retention. Among other things, RUAG is improving its fringe benefits, including the full financing of the pension fund risk contribution by the employer and the extension of voluntary supplementary accident insurance to all employees.

In the 2023 wage round, a salary increase of 2.5% was achieved.

Overview of vocational training

RUAG trains 223 apprentices in 13 different professions. 60 apprentices successfully completed their apprenticeship in the summer of 2023. The retention rate of apprentices was increased by 20%. This ensures that young talents can be seamlessly integrated into the company. At the national
vocational championships in September, the apprentices won two gold and two bronze medals. This encouraging development is helping to counteract the shortage of skilled workers with internal resources.

Developing employees

Line managers are important cultural ambassadors. In 2023, the human resources roadmap was revised. A key element of this roadmap is the training of line managers, who are all provided with a tailored offering based on their individual development goals in the form of a toolkit. The focus is on the continuous development of the feedback and learning culture and the resulting increase in team performance. Employee development, promotion and appreciation are at the heart of management work and can be learned through the internal offering.