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Material, process and testing

Materials testing is an indispensable instrument for quality assurance and quality control in many industrial sectors. Gas and oil supply, aircraft and bridge construction and the power plant operation would be impossible without the comprehensive control of materials through materials testing. Each safety-relevant component of a product must be tested in detail.

First-class quality is of central importance, providing you with a decisive competitive advantage. Extensive testing is required to ensure the quality of your products. Our comprehensive material testing procedures allow us to detect weak points promptly, ensuring improved quality of your products through detailed damage analyses.



Structural testing

The development and modification of aircraft, as well as their utilization and continued airworthiness, necessitate extensive aircraft testing and analysis. The MTL has recently received the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation 'Type B' under the umbrella of the 'Test Competence Center', section 'WP', (Werkstoffprüfung) of RUAG AG in Thun (accreditation number STS 0050). This accreditation proves that our laboratory has a top quality management system in place, and that it has the ability and competence to provide testing results. The accreditation covers the following test standards that are of interest for structures fatigue testing: ISO 12110-01: Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Variable amplitude fatigue testing (Part 1: General principles, test method and reporting requirements)
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Process qualification

Definition of procedures, process parameters and requirements of manufacturing processes for parts to install on military and civil rotorcraft, fixed wing, including jet fighters are part of our daily business.

Failure analysis and material investigation

The Department of Materials, Processes and Testing has more than 15 years of experience in failure analysis and damage tolerance on fatigue critical parts made of metallic alloys by means of the Quantitative Fractography (QF) methodology. Quantitative Fractography quantifies features of fatigue failures and correlate them to material microstructure, environment and loading history. Quantitative Fractography is a powerful tool that can be used to: Determine where and from what a crack grew as well as measure crack growth rates.
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Additive manufacturing

RUAG AG has selected Additive Manufacturing (AM) as one of the technologies to be explored in view of the ageing of the Swiss fleets and the arrival of the F-35 Lightning II. A strategic project was therefore launched within the department to familiarize itself with AM technologies and understand their limitations. Powder Bed Fusion (or Selective Laser Melting) is being used to develop secondary structural parts for the Swiss F/A-18 in collaboration with world-leading partners in the field of additive manufacturing.

Composite repair

Various repair methods are available to restore the function and appearance of composite parts. For minor damage, a simple resin-filled repair can restore the surface profile of the part and protect it from further damage. For more extensive damage, a patch repair or core replacement can be carried out. Repairing a part can be extremely cost and time effective, especially on older programs where replacement parts may no longer be available. The Materials, Processes and Testing department can help assess damage, identify possible repair methods and support the repair process from start to finish.


The Materials, Processes and Testing department deals with the obsolescence of: Materials (sealants, lubricants, paints, structural and non-structural adhesives and substances (e.g. banned or severely restricted due to REACH)) Review of the affected product or process, Calculating the concentration of substances affected by REACH, Preparation of declarations of compliance (DoC), Updating the RUAG material database, Check whether an EU or defense exemption applies and Manufacturing process (e.g.: chromic acid anodization)


Daniel Jucker

Sales Manager Engineering

+41 58 481 88 85 (Tel.)

+41 79 620 70 06 (Mobile)

Seetalstrasse 175
6032 Emmen


Capability Booklet Engineering pdf