Benefits for RUAG apprentices
Our apprentices are important to us. We work hard to provide the best possible environment for an interesting and successful apprenticeship.
Do what really fascinates you. We offer training in 13 different professions. In a trial apprenticeship, you will get a deeper insight into the exciting tasks that await you. In addition to an exciting apprenticeship, RUAG offers you several benefits.
Mach, was dich wirklich fasziniert.
Wir bilden in dreizehn unterschiedlichen Berufen aus und unterstützen die Interessen und Talente unserer Lernenden gezielt. In einer Schnupperlehre erhältst du einen vertieften Einblick in die umfassenden Tätigkeitsbereiche. Nebst einer interessanten Ausbildung profitierst du bei RUAG von verschiedenen Vorteilen.

Motivated and highly trained vocational education professionals

Modern training center

Interprofessional projects

Possibility of obtaining the vocational baccalaureate

Opportunity for a Way-Up or second apprenticeship

Have we piqued your interest?
Sign up for a trial apprenticeship and get to know your dream job.
Contact us