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ICT Consulting

Our ICT consulting experts will support you with their comprehensive know-how and drive, your success is what drives us.

Pre-programmed success: ICT consulting for your government agencies.

There is hardly any other industry that is so affected by the digital transformation as the ICT sector. The increasing requirements within government agencies often lead to specific challenges for the IT departments. The specialists at RUAG ICT Consulting pave the way for the successful management of digitization. Your success is our motivation. As an ICT service provider working closely with the federal government, we support you with comprehensive expertise as you deal with complex IT challenges.

In order to digitize processes and services and to keep up with change, many government agencies are pursuing a digitization strategy. In addition to the unconditional availability and quality of digital solutions, the focus is more and more on creating innovative and interactive customer experiences. Appropriate ICT projects must be managed as efficiently as possible and HERMES-compliant. The results should be based on the project milestones.

As independent specialists, we provide customer-specific ICT consulting services for government agencies. We support you in handling your IT challenges and help you to shape digital change. We provide our services in the areas of application, conception, coaching and training. Our specialists regard themselves as your external employees and strive to work together on an equal footing.

Your benefits with RUAG


Efficient project management and sustainable consulting

Our efficient and structured approach is based on HERMES guidelines. Our comprehensive and product-neutral consulting is consistently target-oriented and also takes future requirements into account.

Many years of experience in the government agency environment

As a federal ICT consulting company, we fully understand your specific needs.

Proven quality without compromise

Our specialists are PSP 11 tested and have approved certifications. When it comes to such issues as reliability, transparency and reaction time, we do not compromise or make excuses.

A secure value - sustainable ICT consulting services that inspire.

With an efficient and structured approach we eliminate resource bottlenecks and reduce know-how gaps. We pave the way to a successful project - and therefore also to your personal success. In order to provide you with the best possible support and assistance, we have divided our services into four areas:


For professional support with your demanding tasks.


For filling roles within the HERMES project organization.


For specific services along the HERMES phase model and for achieving milestones.


For individual service packages to achieve specific results.
Summery Services ICT Consulting

Success can be planned - consistent target orientation and uncompromising result quality.

We do everything in our power to ensure the success of your project. In addition to customer-specific consulting, you benefit from our comprehensive and long-standing experience in the public agency environment. With target-oriented and efficient procedures we guarantee you the highest quality results.

“For several years now, we have placed our trust in the specialist knowledge of RUAG ICT Consulting specialists. They know the Swiss Army inside out and understand our needs. Above all, we appreciate the extremely efficient and goal-oriented cooperation.”

- Severin Waber, ICT corporate architect, FUB


“I appreciate the combination of specialist knowledge, industry know-how and service quality and can highly recommend RUAG ICT Consulting.”

- Cornelius Bürgin, Head of Information Security Defense, (CISO V)


Would you like to learn more about our services? Here, you can download various additional information.

Brochure ICT Consulting [German] PDF
Service Booklet ICT Consulting [German] PDF
RUAG has been a member of the eCH association for a few months. Simon Hostettler (Senior Business Analyst) and Mirko Helbling (Head Cyber Defence Technologies) explain in the video why standards are so important in the ICT sector.


Martin Krähenbühl

Manager ICT Consulting

+41 58 46 70710

Stauffacherstrasse 65
3000 Bern 22